miércoles, 6 de enero de 2016

The Beauty of Akihabara

     This picture shows the colorful that is the beautiful street of akihabara in japan. It is the most biggest street about the geek world in the world. Here we can find many stores of anime stuff like figures, posters, mousepad, or in extreme cases erotic anime objects and find some game buildings like the sega club, nintendo center. All facades of the buildings on the street are decorated about anime and games,on the sidewalk is covered with green zones and trees, and all of the street is illuminated. Many of teens make their meet on this place. Many cosplayers comes to this place to take photos. Every day in the giant screen it present trailers of new anime chapters, movies or live shows. 

Also visitors can find many street shows like the pikachu anniversary dance that consist in a day that you can see everywhere decorated with the pikachu thematic and look many people cosplaying pikachu, and dancing. And finally travelers can go to the karaoke or take a walk look around the beautiful lights decorating all the street.

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